Responsible Gambling
We value all our Users and hope that you enjoy the content responsibly, and that reading about gambling continues to be fun and exciting. Not only is it our mission to provide our players with the most entertaining gambling articles and reviews but it is also our duty to help prevent compulsive usage of and underage access to our portal. Our objective is to ensure that our readers enjoy reading our reviews in a safe, secure and supportive manner.
How to Identify if You Have a Gambling Problem?
Being a responsible gambler is knowing when to play, how to play, and how much money and time to spend on games. A compulsive gambler is a person whose approach towards gambling can be classified as an addiction and whose gambling habits had caused problems in its normal life.
People who gamble in a responsible manner decide in advance, how much money they will spend, how often they will gamble and, most importantly, they know when to stop. Responsible gambling should be pleasurable and result in no harm to any player’s life. Responsible gamblers stick to these rules:
If any of the above rules is broken, a player is likely to develop a gambling addiction. Symptoms of a gambling problem include:
Seeking Help is the first step
On the event you have gambling problems, the first thing you should do is recognize that you have a an addiction that cannot be cured without professional help. You can find a number of programs and organizations offering help to anyone who develops gambling symptoms. They help in solving all problems that might be caused by compulsive gambling, including financial hardship, relationship problems, and personal troubles (stress, anxiety, depression, etc.).
Gambling advice
If gambling consumes more and more time in your life, If you feel you have a problem with gambling please visit the GamCare website for help and advice at, or contact the GamCare National Helpline on 08088020 133. Lines open 8am to midnight UK time.